Grass-fed, Grass-finished Beef

Ingredients: Sun, Grass, Water, Minerals

No Antibiotics.  No Added Hormones. 

Tender.  Delicious.



We have been raising and finishing beef on a grass and forage diet for over 18 years now. Consistently producing delicious and tender beef on only forages requires a keen knowledge of both the art and science of quality pasture management and animal husbandry. We pride ourselves on the quality of the grass-fed beef we produce and the health benefits it brings to our customers.

Our beef is harvested June through October, when our pastures produce the best flavor and consistency.  Whole, half, and quarter beeves are available during the harvest season, and individual cuts are available year around from our large freezer storage.

A whole beef will typically have a hanging weight of around 600 lbs. This is the weight of the carcass after the hide and guts have been removed. A whole beef with a 600 lbs. hanging weight will produce approximately 400 lbs of packaged beef.

When ordering a whole or 1/2 beef, you are able to order steaks, ribs, roasts, ground, etc. in your preferred thickness and package sizes. 1/4 beef orders are cut and packaged in standard sizes. 

Whole Beef = $4.70/lb hanging weight, plus processing. Cost is approximately $2820, plus $600 processing. Yields approximately 400 lbs of meat (total cost is approximately $8.55/lb).

1/2 Beef = $4.95/lb hanging weight, plus processing. Cost is approximately $1485, plus $300 processing. Yields approximately 200 lbs of meat (total cost is approximately $8.92/lb)

1/2 of a 1/2 Beef = $5.15/lb hanging weight, plus processing. Cost is approximately $772, plus $150 processing. Yields approximately 100 lbs of meat (total cost is approximately $9.22/lb).

Beef can also be purchased by the cut at the farm, by appointment only. Current prices:

Ground Beef: $8.50/lb

Round/Cube Steak: $8.50/lb

Roasts: $9.00/lb

Flank Steak: $10/lb

Skirt Steak: $10/lb

Sirloin Steak: $12/lb

KC Strip Steak: $15/lb

Ribeye Steak: $20/lb

Filet Steak: $30/lb

Liver: $8/lb

Soup Bones: $6/lb

Marrow Bones: $5/lb

Tongue: $5/lb

Oxtail: $5/lb

Beeves are delivered for processing and can be picked up at either J & J processing or 2 Creeks Butchery. Both are located just outside Pierce City, MO.

All beef packaging is vacuum sealed for freshness.

Please call or email with questions or to make an order.  Thank you for your business!!!

(417) 693-3492

How does it have such good FLAVOR?!?

1-Our cattle genetics.  After decades of cattle being finished in grain feed lots in the United States, most cattle available today are to big to finish on grass in a reasonable time.  We have worked for years to develop Red Angus/South Poll cross cattle that are moderate sized, easy fleshing, heat tolerant, and that have a high gut capacity.  This allows our cattle to "finish" on a 100% pasture diet, producing well marbled steaks and great tasting beef.

2-Our cattle are moved to fresh pasture every day or two, grazing only the high energy tips of plants.  As they move from pasture to pasture, they select the best forage and move on.  Sheep are moved every 2 to 6 days.

3-All livestock are moved to fresh pasture in the early pm hours, when the energy (carbohydrates) in leaves are at their highest levels of the day.

4-Low stress animal handling techniques and good stockmanship are practiced all the way to the butcher.